Some of the best Weapon Cases to upgrade first in Far Cry 6 include the 1911 Pistol Case, AK-47 Rifle Case, and the M-79 Grenade Launcher Case.
You can also rerun the shrines to get another variant of the weapon with new mods and potentially a Power pickup that will give you additional damage with that weapon type. Finally, the Specialist Category has the Sniper Rifle, Machine Gun, Grenade Launcher, and Bow. To upgrade your weapons, you need to purchase case upgrades from the weapons locker that can be found at the safe houses on the map. Likewise, you can equip the Triador Supremo which will allow it to. It’s one of the strongest weapons in the game.

The Rifle is extremely powerful, though, and will make quick work of almost any enemy after a couple of upgrades. This requires you to complete the Triada Blessings sidequest.

Which weapons you go for, and in which order, is up to you. Far Cry 6 Interactive Map - All Collectibles, Treasure Hunts, FND Bases, Unique Weapons, Animal Hunting Locations & more Use the progress tracker to get 100 Far Cry 6 Maps. You will need to kill a set number of enemies at the shrines to complete the challenge and unlock the chest there that grants access to the weapon. Each one has a number to the left and a list below detailing which weapons you can find at each numbered location. This category contains all weapons from the Far Cry series. You can find each Shrine location marked by the padlock symbol on the map below. They will need to find weapon shrines where they will face various challenges to get the weapons they need. That’s it for our Far Cry 6 weapon recommendations! With so many potential loadouts, it’s always best to experiment, but our suggestions will definitely give you the edge across Yara.įor more guides like this one, as well as the latest updates, check out our Far Cry 6 main page.In the Far Cry 6 Pagan: Control DLC, players will need to track down their weapons on the map before they can use them. You’ll need to fully upgrade Guerilla Garrison at your Camp to be able to purchase all of the weapons on offer, while many of the Unique Weapons can only be found by completing quests and side missions. With a magazine size of 20 bullets, you’ll be able to take down a few FND soldiers with precise aiming before having to reload.
Not only are these weapons powerful, but they're flexible, giving players plen. The Best Resolver Weapons in Far Cry 6 El Muro advertisement How to unlock: Complete 'Libertad Rises' to leave Isla Santuario If youre into one-shot kills but are frustrated with the firing rate. The rifle deals decent damage with above-average accuracy and good velocity. It's time to step away from unique guns to talk about 6 insane secret weapons. Purchase them from the Black Market at your Camp. A standard assault rifle, the FAL is one of the best starting weapons to have in Far Cry 6.Purchase them from Guerilla Garrison at your Camp.Get them as a reward for completing missions and sidequests. Read on to see which of the Far Cry 6’s best weapons complement these nifty little gadgets.The best mods in Far Cry 6 for these long-range weapons include the Resolver Sniper Scope MK. Find them hidden in FND Caches (chests) around Yara. SKYRIM mods devil may cry 5 (dante vergil nero)suit SE+LE.Here are the main ways to unlock new weapons in Far Cry 6: As expected, the better the weapon, the harder it is to get. There are multiple ways to get new weapons in Far Cry 6, ranging from finding them hidden across Yara to purchasing them from vendors at Camps.

Ubisoft Weapons can be bought or found hidden around Yara.